These photos are from wandering around the Parker campus on Saturday afternoon and from Saturday Night, when Betsy (Bergan) Altman was our host. She opened up her home and provided wonderful food and drink. A few us also went over to Bill and Wendy Marks’ place on Friday night after a school-wide event at Parker. Thanks, hosts!
For a larger images, view the slideshow on Flickr.

Nancy and Kate

Kate and Nancy

Nancy and Edie



In the Courtyard

In the Auditorium

John, Nancy and Edie in a music classroom

John and Edie

Kate and one of her sons

Edie's books on display in the FWP library

Hall in front of the library

In the Courtyard

Jane, Barry, Ricky and Nancy in the auditorium.

John, Nancy and Edie


Heidi Ellison and Ricky

Bruce, Melissa, Chuck and Barry

Bruce and his wife Lisa

Rick Bendix ('69) with Carmela and John

Reunion 2006 (another take)

FWP Reunion Oct. 06 024

John Pink and Mary Bendix

Jane, Barry, Ricky and Nancy in the auditorium.

Melissa, Carmela and Henry

Barry and Jane

Melissa and Janet

FWP Reunion Oct. 06 018

FWP Reunion Oct. 06 031
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