Nancy with Robert London memorial sculpture (photo by Edie Pattou)

Robert London memorial at Lincoln Park Zoo

James and Carmela

Kate and Jane

John with Bob & Polly

Betsy, Bill, James, Karen & Rick

Betsy, Bill, James, Karen & Rick

"The Wisdom of the Non-Rational: Revisiting Parker's 'Media Program' 40 Years Later"


Steve and James, photo by Elizabeth

Nancy and Isolde, photo by Elizabeth

Ephraim, Nancy, Isolde & David, photo by Elizabeth


Heidi and Chuck

Todd and James

Bill Henner & Karen Thanos

John Pink

Betsy, Robert, Jane, Kate, Bill, Barry


The Graybeards: Chuck, Rick, and Steve

FWP Class of '71

Bill, Nat, and Barry

Janet and Jane

Jill and Elizabeth

Jill Ratner and Ivy Lloyd

Carmela and Nat

Mary, Carmela, Marko (Elizabeth), Nancy, Karen & John, and Elizabeth

Carmela, Marko (Elizabeth), Nancy, Karen & John, and Elizabeth

Richard Bendix '69, Heidi, and Mary Hines Bendix

Bruce & Lisa, Betsy, Scott

Joel Hoffman and Steve Levitt

David, Ephraim, Elizabeth, Rick and Jill

Rick, David, Elizabeth, Jill, Marko (Elizabeth), Michelle (David) and Ephraim

Sunday Brunch at Betsy's

Charles Kennedy

Bill, Carmela and Heidi



Scott & Craig

Marko & Elizabeth

John and Bill

John Pink

James and Carmela

Todd, Elizabeth and Ephraim

Karen and John

Carmela, Karen and John, photo by Elizabeth

James and Rick, photo by Elizabeth

Bruce Hodo

Ephraim and Carmela

Carmela and Edie
This was such a special weekend. Thank you to all who put such energy into making it happen. I attended FWP only my senior year. I realize now, what I didn’t realize then, what a special school and group of classmates I was lucky enough to be part of. It was wonderful to get to a brief glimpse of what we’ve been doing and who we are. I am so glad I attended, and my husband Bob had a great time too! Thank you.
Many thanks to those involved in taking photos of our reunion and also to those who
took the time to post them. They were great to see and helped a lot to keep the
warm “after-glow” of the reunion going…. Todd Chapin
So far, I’ve gotten photos from Edie, David, Jane and Elizabeth. And yes, several folks have mentioned the warm after-glow from the weekend. Glad you were there.